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"You are talking about the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind."

Where the Hell is Matt? He’s EVERYWHERE, today!

Today was a very good day. A lot of fun, cool, and wonderful things happened today. As it also so happens, I spent time at the start of my day the same way I just spend a few minutes now.

Early this AM a really good friend of mine sent me a link to a video called “Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)” Now, I usually don’t follow any of these links but for some reason I did.

If you have not seen this video, watch it right now.

No, seriously, if you didn’t watch it – do that right now. If you’ve seen it before, watch it again – I’m sure you won’t mind.

This video dispels two really important myths that some people believe:
1. Social media has no value (yes, there are people who think this)
2. Nothing good ever happens in a big way, only bad.

This video has been around like mad. Everyone I know has linked to it today, or Twittered it, or Facebooked it, or FriendFeeded it, or….well….or [insert appropriate social media name here]. Who can keep up?

I think it’s ironic that I first got it by email – how so very 10 minutes ago. Ironic.

If you don’t get a smile out of this video, check your pulse. This is a wonderful celebration of life and the human spirit. How we are all so different but ultimately all very much the same. That the only thing that separates us are those who are trying to control us. Well, of course it’s not quite so simple in every spot on the Earth, but I do believe that the spirit of that does live within each of us.

14 Responses to “Where the Hell is Matt? He’s EVERYWHERE, today!”

  1. On July 9, 2008 at 11:20 PM, crossbuster said…

    Maybe I should check my pulse.

    Or maybe I just don’t get teary eyed at shallow displays of human interaction. At the end of the day when Matt left afaik the rich were still rich, the poor were still starving and the stupid were still running things. It’s too bad that thread that binds us all is easily ignored when it comes to killing each other.

  2. On July 10, 2008 at 9:07 AM, elisabeth said…

    To crossbuster- I think the point is to remind folks that there *is* a thread that binds. Hopefully folks will then take the next step to do something about the rich, poor, and stupid. But, honestly, if it just gets people to think about other people, cultures, and lifestyles for a couple minutes, I’d call it a sound investment. But then again, I’m one of the folks who it made smile. :}

  3. On July 10, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Julie said…

    I found this video very inspiring and touching. It honestly made me feel more connected to the world.
    CB: No human interaction is ever shallow; only people can be shallow. In a world where atrocities happen every day, we need to more videos like this to attempt human solidarity.

  4. On July 10, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Lisa said…

    Don’t let cynics like crossbuster piss in the cornflakes. Hey, I didn’t smile, either. I sat here with my mouth open and rubbed the goosebumps on my arms!! I Tweeted it immediately! Sure there’s injustice and tragedy in the world, and if that’s what we focus on, guaranteed we’ll have more of the same. This video is a positive sunbeam of hopeful energy that can blast an interruption into any downward spiral if we’ll just open our hearts and our eyes. Thanks for opening mine! Brilliant, just brilliant.

  5. On July 10, 2008 at 9:04 PM, crossbuster said…

    Cynics are disappointed idealists Linda. My point is the video is shallow, just like the people “inspired” by the video will watch it, feel good, and do nothing in it’s wake. That’s not inspiration, that’s complacency at it’s best. The ability to watch the world spin day by day, watch something that inspires you, moves you, makes you think about the nice bright shiney rays of light with absolutely no action following.

    To see if I was correct I looked up the history of the video, Matt Harding is some douche who got paid by stride gum to make this video. I’m sure stride gum got their share of pay either through marketing or otherwise. I’m sure Matt got his share, but did anyone else really benefit from exploiting a hopelessly shallow “awww” moment? No.

    Sometimes being cynical, unfortunately, means being realistic. Being blinded by bullshit as thinly veiled as this is, in the end, complete evidence to just how low people really have sunken to.

    Your inspired? Fine, go do something about it. Most people won’t, which makes this video absolutely as meaningless as I claim it is. Art, symbols, language when done effectively to the point of mastery and recognition, even vague decency evokes action, genuine sentiment and thought.

    This, in my opinion does not, by both initial critical review, and by evidence of the actions of the observers that follow.

    but the music was pretty nice.

  6. On July 10, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Lisa said…

    Dear Dick, (hey, you called me ‘Linda’ which means ‘beautiful’ even though my name is LISA). Your point is the same as all of ours: subjective. If the video strikes you as shallow then that’s what it is for you. As for your thinking you know ANYTHING about the folks who claim to be inspired by it, think again. Most people will do nothing? You talk about the “actions that follow” as if you know who we are and what we do with our lives. You can’t possibly know that. There are no limits to how far inspiration will go especially since it reaches past the shallows of YOUR limited imagination. Cynicism is a way to view reality. You choose to be cynical. Don’t compound it by claiming you have some privileged view of reality. If this video doesn’t resonate with you as being worthy art then opinion. Why did you feel so compelled to share it anonymously on someone’s blog? Strikes me as typical, shallow, trolling.

  7. On July 11, 2008 at 4:04 AM, AJ said…

    Crossbuster, how sad. I hope you find joy in your life from something. For many of us, we take joy in the big things and the small, both the essential and the banal. And not everything needs to move mountains to be joyful.

    Now, on to your own words.

    “Cynics are disappointed idealists Linda.”

    Ok, first off, if you are going to call people out, call them by the right name. How do you expect people to seriously consider your words if you can’t look at the top of the post and see someone’s name clearly listed right there. I’m sure you’ll say you don’t care if anyone reading this takes you seriously, and perhaps thats true.

    “My point is the video is shallow, just like the people “inspired” by the video will watch it, feel good, and do nothing in it’s wake.”

    I originally toyed with the idea of not approving your posts (I leave comments moderated for a reason). But I believe in free speech, and not just the free speech that agrees with me. I decided to let this last post go though, but you come very close to the line of being insulting. That, I won’t allow in the blog. If you plan to respond again, and if you want your comments posted, be respectful. I found the video inspiring. My friends found the video inspiring. Don’t insult us by thinking you know anything about any of us.

    Oh, and thanks for acknowledging that the video is something important, only big things that are moving leave a wake.

    “To see if I was correct I looked up the history of the video, Matt Harding is some douche who got paid by stride gum to make this video.”

    First off, everyone has to eat. So I don’t grudge anyone making money as long as it wasn’t at the expense of someone else. Second, how do you know he got paid? If you have proof of this, since you “looked up the history of the video”,post a link to it. If you don’t have proof, don’t make the statement.

    “I’m sure stride gum got their share of pay either through marketing or otherwise.”

    Oh – are you? Again, prove it.

    It should be noted that the video is well over 4 minutes long and only in the last 4 or 5 seconds do we see the name of the sponsor.

    “I’m sure Matt got his share, but did anyone else really benefit from exploiting a hopelessly shallow “awww” moment? No.”

    Once again, prove it. How do you know this? Or are you just putting up strawmen?

    “Being blinded by bullshit as thinly veiled as this is, in the end, complete evidence to just how low people really have sunken to.”

    Ok – so now we’re shallow and low. Hmmm, you’re a real charmer!

    “Your inspired? Fine, go do something about it. Most people won’t, which makes this video absolutely as meaningless as I claim it is.”

    Really? As of this comment, the 2008 video has been viewed over 5.6 MILLION times and the 2006 original is over 10 million views (on YouTube). Do you know most of those people? Thats truly amazing that you know “most people” and that you know them well enough to be able to know that they will not do anything.

    Also, you are entitled to your opinion, just don’t try to get away with stating it as fact.

    Seeing something inspiring puts me in a good mood. If more people were in good moods they might spend less time being, oh, I don’t know, maybe a cynical cranky-ass?

    “Art, symbols, language when done effectively to the point of mastery and recognition, even vague decency evokes action, genuine sentiment and thought.

    This, in my opinion does not, by both initial critical review, and by evidence of the actions of the observers that follow.”

    Excellent, thank you for posting here. Not only are you omniscient, as you know what is in the hearts and minds of others to know how they are going to act, but you are also an art critic of all art forms. Perhaps you’d like to share with us what action some of your favorite art pieces brought you to.

    In fact, perhaps you’d like to tell us what you have done today, this week, or even this month, that makes you qualified to judge people you do not know on what they do to make this world a better place.

    I’d argue, crossbuster, that you have done quite the opposite. You’ve taken a joyful, simple, wonderful little moment in people’s lives (whether YOU consider it any of those things or not), and you tried as hard as you could to destroy it for those people.

    I’ve got news for you, buster, it ain’t gonna work. I have watched that video at least once a day, I’m inspired by it, I share it with people, and I hope they get inspired by it. Many have, a few felt so strongly as to respond here. Others have written to me privately and told me not to even give you the satisfaction of responding. Irrespective of your vitriol here, I am still motivated to continue bringing a small bit of joy to the world each day.

  8. On July 11, 2008 at 11:29 AM, crossbuster said…

    Linda, (hehe, you are good looking after all)

    I like commenting on peoples blogs, especially those people that live in my town. It interests me, I’m not a troll. A troll comments with no purpose for the sake of getting a rise out of people. I don’t want a rise out of you. All I did was put my opinion forth on THE VIDEO. Just because it was a negative response, you all decided to respond to me, personally, in a negative faction. See, I commented on the video, you commented on me, and here we are today.

    I’m sorry that you think that I’m somehow hostile toward you. I’m not. I’m sorry if you think that I’m hostile toward the video, I’m not, I just don’t like it. I don’t like it’s source, I don’t like the person who made it.

    If ever get past whether I’m a cynic, or not, a troll, or not and the completely subjective definitions of those then this is nothing but another flame war. I’ll kindly exit before that happens.

  9. On July 11, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Crossbuster said…


    1. I was not insulting your bloggers. In fact I wasn’t insulting anyone at all.

    “My point is the video is shallow, just like the people “inspired” by the video will watch it, feel good, and do nothing in it’s wake.”

    I essentially said the people who do nothing in the wake of feeling inspired are being shallow. Which I agree with, it was not directed solely upon your readers. If I said Republicans never got laid, and one of your readers were Republican, would you consider not putting my comment up because I was insulting your readers??

    It’s an opinion I have, it’s not meant to be scathing. If it is scathing, you would have to fill the pre-requisite of doing nothing about your inspiration. I’m sure none of you are like that 🙂 so I was definitely not insulting your readers, or you.

    I do however appreciate your patience and wisdom when it comes to free speech.

    2. I screwed up Linda’s name and ended up calling her beautiful, I think that’s a pretty awesome mistake. It is a mistake though, sorry Lisa, I called you Linda, whoops.

    On a side note if people take me seriously based on mistakes I make with names and not the actual content of my comments and arguments I would laugh at them before taking THEM seriously.

    Oh and, not all big things are important. Not all important things are important in a good way. I never denied that the video was small and insignificant, the very fact that it is popular and some other things aren’t (other conversation completely if you want to get into it) is evidence to my initial critique, and fantastic commentary on the normal mental state of our public, specially the ages that actually do view these things.

    3. “Crossbuster, how sad. I hope you find joy in your life from something. For many of us, we take joy in the big things and the small, both the essential and the banal. And not everything needs to move mountains to be joyful.”

    I take joy on my journey to move mountains.

    4. for all your “prove it” statements.

    (Watch all his videos IMO)

    There it is, Matt making money, Stride making money.

    5. Last but not least you all seem to be under this impression that I want you to be sad. You also seem to be under the impression that I’m always cranky.

    I don’t want you to be sad, and I’m not always cranky. I was commenting ON THE VIDEO AND THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE VIDEO. I also made comments on my opinion of the video’s actual effect on people. I would have gone deeper and commented on how this effects the view on viral marketing/vids, but I never got to get there because I was attacked by people on here who thought I was trying to ruin their good time.

    Believe me, I don’t care if your all happy about the video, in fact hey if your happy BE HAPPY. I find it amazing though that just because my response to the video was negative I was accused of ruining everyone’s good time. Even so far as saying that I’m trying to destroy peoples joy? LOL

    I think people should be happy and joyful. I don’t mind if they are 🙂 and I’m not on some crusade to change that. I just wish many times that joy came with awareness.

    6. I don’t need to be omniscient to think that no significant action will come from the video itself. Probability != omniscience. None of my claims place explicit burden of proof upon myself except for the ones you already requested proof for.

    “Seeing something inspiring puts me in a good mood. If more people were in good moods they might spend less time being, oh, I don’t know, maybe a cynical cranky-ass?”

    I am in a good mood when I am a cynical cranky-ass. I am that guy that finds something wrong with EVERYTHING and feels the need to bring it to light. I don’t stop my personal research into many subjects until I am satisfied (or incredibly bored). I point out when things have something inconsistent about them (much like this video’s feel has so much conflict of interest with it’s sources). I like and ENJOY being this way and once again my intention is not to INSULT or RAIN ON SOMEONE’S PARADE.

    Sorry if you feel that way. I realize you may feel that way because you get joy from the video, and I am insulting the video, therefore insulting your joy. The… slightly clearer truth is that I dislike the video’s depth and creators, and you think the video sends a nice warm fuzzy message.

    So trust me, I’m not trying to trample on your daisies.

    oh and AJ, you’re policy on insulting people is so strict that you permitted Lisa to call me a dick when all I did was misspell her name. Favoritism anyone? LOL I didn’t even come close to saying anything of that nature especially not directed at one person and was slammed. I can see your a real fair guy.

    The jousting continues.

  10. On July 11, 2008 at 12:21 PM, crossbuster said…

    “I never denied the video was small and insignificant”

    ummm… I meant the OPPOSITE, of that.

    “I never thought the video was small and insignificant.”

    I don’t tend to proof read comments maybe I should start.

  11. On July 11, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Lisa said…

    Crossbuster, You may not have MEANT to be hostile, but you came across that way. It APPEARS that you love getting a rise out of people even though you claim not to. It’s evident that you are now backpeddling because we didn’t just slink away, ashamed of having liked something that you deemed to be shallow. I suggest that if you enjoy this sort of back and forth, you should try online discussion forums rather than blog comments. You came here as an anonymous stranger, shared an opinion that came across as condescending and insulting and now you’re posting sheepishly about how you were just exercising your free speech and oh how we’re all overreacting. C’mon. Good thing your previous comments have been preserved intact so that folks (even you) can go back and re-read what you’ve written. Anyone reading it would agree that you came across as insulting no matter how you meant it. Hey, I don’t care that you found the video shallow. I care that you felt compelled to post your opinion on my friend’s blog. If you think I need schooling on the distinction between dicks and trolls, you might try schooling yourself on the difference between hostile and negative. Try getting a grip on one of them before telling me what you did or didn’t mean. Shouldn’t you be commenting on Matt’s website or something? Sorry, if it smells like a troll and acts like a troll…

  12. On July 11, 2008 at 3:54 PM, AJ said…

    Crossbuster, I don’t have the time to go through your post line by line as I did before. There is simply too much there and there are other things I need to focus on.

    The reason you got the response you got was because your post was hostile. It was unnecessarily hostile right out of the gate. Basically, you came barging into a party and rudely complained about the food. Does that insult the hosts themselves, no. Would that tick the hosts and his/her guests off – you bet!

    In any event, on this, I’m not sure we’d agree. You admittedly find “something wrong with EVERYTHING” so its most likely a moot point.

    BTW, I did check those links you provided and don’t see anything that says Matt, or Stride, made a penny on those videos, or that Stride even paid Matt for his time – although I’d have no problem if they did, and guess they probably did. The wikipedia link didn’t even lead to something about the subject.

    Just as an aside, although it is semantic, Lisa did not call you “a dick”, she called you Dick, which is a very common nickname for Richard, which is a very common name itself.

    Now, that said, was there a little double play on words there – yes, probably. Did I not call out my friend on that but did call out a total stranger – yes. Why, I thought her play on words (if thats what it was, I’ll let her speak to that if she wishes) was clever and intelligent.

    Crossbuster, I’m sorry for appearing to have any double standard.

    Lisa, shame on you. [wags finger at Lisa]

    I have to go now (literally, my friends are honking the horn outside). I just wanted to add a little something.

    BTW, I’m not approving your other post. Clearly it was intended for me direclty, was kind of beating an already dead horse on some of your thoughts, and since I have no way to respond to you outside this blog, I’ll leave it at that.

  13. On July 12, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Lisa said…

    AJ….you started something WONDERFUL! Usually folks forward stuff like Matt’s video to me, but so far, your blog and Tweet were the only ways it reached me. Good thing it did. I’ve passed it on via email and it’s in my Blog (July 11th’s post). One of my students already commented on it! Once I get myself a laptop I’ll be showing it in class. It’s perfect for Religions of the World don’t you think? I believe that when good feelings are shared good actions follow. Like ripples in a pond, you tossed out this little gem and the ripples will keep on expanding. Energy is never lost. Thank you for sharing this. Much Love xoxox

  14. On August 3, 2008 at 12:04 AM, USpace said…

    Unlike standard Multiculturalism dogma which says we should celebrate our cultural differences, Matt and his dancing videos illustrate what instead we should celebrate at least just as much if not more, our similarities, what we as humans of all cultures share in common.

    Tears of joy! Incredible video. Dance everybody, dance! Matt is cool, it’s good to see that he’s still out there cruising around. Leave him a comment about his evil dancing. LOL! I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. Great job Matt! Stay safe out there! Keep dancing!
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    outlaw ALL dancing

    moving bodies to music
    must be seen as evil

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    rock and roll is evil

    it’s the devil’s best music
    and dancing to it is sin

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    only Earthlings may dance

    it is simply forbidden
    elsewhere in the Universe

    Famous ‘Where is Matt’ Dancing Videos!
    Matt Was in New York City!
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon


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